Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No more Shopping

That's it folks it's all over, my race to get all my gear is all over! I officially finished last night and it is a glorious feeling! There is nothing better than knowing you don't have to spend anymore money. I even bought snacks which may have been premature because now I have to try and not eat them. Everything is slowly coming together and is allowing me to breath so that I can actually prepare my head for the trip. Traveling is just as much mental as it is physical and this type of trip is going to weigh on my mind heavily. When it comes down to it I just don't want to mess up, and that may sound strange or odd but it's true. As we all know i'm not the most medically sound person in the world and I would hate to ruin someone else's experience because something went wrong. That is what I am most afraid of, myself and getting sick. It's scary enough for me to have something go wrong at home i don't know how I'm planning on handling it in the Himalayans. The reward is so much greater than the risk here though, we are going to be doing something wonderful for these people and I know I say that in nearly every post but it is true. The worst part about volunteering is honestly the negativity that sometimes comes from people who don't know me that well. People assume that you are doing this to get recognition or that we are hypocritical like the oil tycoon who drives a prius. We are doing good but it's just for show, but frankly that is no where close to the truth. Based on my interactions with the girls going on this trip everyone is dedicated to cause and is only trying to make a difference. I wish everyone would just look past who were are and look at the big picture. That there are women out there who have to give birth on a dirt floor and cut the umbilical cord of their child with the same knife that they would kill their chicken with. It is not about us as all it is just about what we are doing for these people and why that is important.

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